Balkan Gate’s CEO Mr. George Nolis and CCO Mr. Nikos Zachariadis will attend the 15th annual International Telecoms Week (ITW) event on 9-12 May 2022 in Washington, DC, which is the world’s largest gathering of global executives from across the telecoms and ICT Infrastructure ecosystem. A great meeting point with the international connectivity market where Balkan Gate team will connect with key industry players and engage with essential industry topics such as sustainability and next-generation connectivity services.
This must attend event will take place in Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center National Harbor, MD, near Washington DC. We are excited to be part of this great initiative as it provides numerous ways to communicate with people from telecommunication sector all around the world.
Read more here: https://event.internationaltelecomsweek.com/event/e807a337-d06c-4e37-baa5-00e55f004c42/websitePage:bbfd30d8-c44a-49e1-bd3b-1779895faba9
#Balkangate |#ITW2022 | #KeepingTheWorldConnected